Profile PictureDownload  Gye-Nyame Journey's Free 7-Day Video ECourse

The Gye-Nyame Tribe is an African Centered Organization, born of the will to survive and thrive as a people and community. Our approach is simple: We develop a stable, historically centered and healthy group of people who survive, create and grow economically. This provides us with the power to attain territory that we can call our own, where we can develop a distinctive culture and language in common.  We are a tribe. Our mission is to protect and defend our people, land, and the creation of a new future for our children. We are about excellence. We will go to any length to earn the fear of our enemies and the respect of our friends. In peacetime we grow stronger, learning new skills so that we will be prepared for war. We hide in plain sight as everyday citizens so that no one knows who we are or what we are capable of until it is too late. Are you interested in joining an Afrocentric tribe? We’re here to help you determine if the Gye-Nyame tribe is a good fit for you. Learn more by signing up for our free ecourse: Day 1 - Unleashing The Power Of The Nguzo Saba - The Player's Pyramid Day 2 - Understanding How To Use Folktales, Myths, & Legends - Folktales For GrownFolks Day 3 - Wisdom Mining - Tribal Quotes Day 4 - Power Of Libations - Daily Toast Day 5 - Pulling It All Together - Warrior's Hand Book To Life's Journey Day 6 - Power Of Meditation - Meditation By The #'s Day 7 - The 224 Self Help Process & 21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge

Showing 1-9 of 10 products

Gye-Nyame Journey Tribe Supporter (GNJMedia)

$10+ a month
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#NguzoSabaChallenge SelfMastery Course


11 Steps: Considerations For Empowering African Centered Organizations


Gye- Nyame Journey Crossover Offer

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Everything Bundle


🎙️ Unlock the World of Podcasting: Free "Podcasting for Beginners" E-Course with Brother ha2tim 🌟Podcasting for Beginners: Your First Steps with GNJMedia

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21 Day Nguzo Saba Challenge workbook

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African Deep Thought Workbook

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The Genius Of Africans United: A Call To Action

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