11 Steps: Considerations For Empowering African Centered Organizations
These thoughts are written because the author believes that there are fundamental
steps required in the process of attaining and maintaining African liberation and
freedom for individuals, families, communities and nations. It seems to me that
dogma, class, denomination, race, national boundary, political/economic status and
other like determinants have become the definers of liberation and freedom in
America. No longer can we as Africans living in America and perhaps throughout the
world allow these predetermined factors (created by others) continually determine
past, current and future development of our lives. After ninety-four (soon to be
ninety-five) years of living, I am compelled to demand of myself thoughts and
actions which I believe will uplift, bring power to and unify Africans everywhere.
This is the latest writing by Elder Moriba Kelsey, released through GNJMedia.